話すための句動詞11選 get take give come go put break ask look make fallを使った英会話フレーズ
第1弾はget/take/give/come/go の5種類の動詞を使った熟語(句動詞)をご紹介します。
熟語 | 英語例文 | 日本語 | |
1 | get out | Let's get out of here. | ここから出ようぜ。 |
2 | get on | Let's get on the bus. | バスに乗りましょう。 |
3 | get off | I’m getting off at the second floor. | 2階で降ります。 |
4 | get back | Get back to me later. | 後で知らせて。 |
5 | get over | Get over him! | 彼のことは乗り越えて! |
6 | get along with~ | I get along with my sister. | 私は姉と仲がいい。 |
7 | get up | I get up at 6 a.m. | 朝6時におきます。 |
8 | get in | How did you get in there!? | どうやって入ったのよ!? |
9 | take out | Can you take out the trash. | ゴミを出してくれますか? |
10 | take in | I forgot to take in the washing | 洗濯物の取りこみを忘れていた |
11 | take over | I'll take over now. | あとは引き受けた! |
12 | take up | The plants take up too much space. | この植物が場所を取りすぎる。 |
13 | take after | I don't take after my father. | 私は父に似ていない。 |
14 | take back | I take back what I just said. | 今、言ったことは撤回します。 |
15 | take off | The plane will take off in a minute. | すぐに離陸します。 |
16 | take on | We stopped to take on fuel. | 燃料を入れるために停まった。 |
17 | take down | I can take down the message. | メッセージを書き留めておくよ。 |
18 | give away | Don't give me away, will you? | 裏切らないでよ。 |
19 | give back | Give me back my book. | 私の本を返して。 |
20 | give in | We will not give in to terrorism. | 私たちはテロに屈しない |
21 | give off | This flower gives off a sensual smell. | この花は官能的な香りを放つ。 |
22 | give out | He gave out gum to us in front of his shop. | 彼は店の前でガムを配った。 |
23 | give up | They gave up on account of you. | 彼らは君のせいであきらめた。 |
24 | give way | The bridge gave way. | 橋が崩れ落ちた. |
25 | come to | I came to school and nobody was there. | 学校に来たが、誰もいなかった。 |
26 | come in | OK, I'm coming in. | よし、入るよ。 |
27 | come up with | When did you come up with such an idea? | いつそんな考えを思いついたの? |
28 | come over | Do you want to come over? | うちに来ない? |
29 | come about | How did that come about? | なぜそれは起きたのですか? |
30 | come across | I perhaps come across him tomorrow. | 明日にでも彼に会えるかもね。 |
31 | come along (with) | Would you mind coming along with me? | ご一緒願えませんか? |
32 | come around | It's just like spring has come around. | まるで春が来たようだ。 |
33 | come by | A cute dog came by so I took a picture of it. | かわいい犬が近くにやってきたので、写真をとった。 |
34 | come down with | I came down with a cold. | 風邪をひいた。 |
35 | come from | I come from Kansas | 僕の出身地はカンザスだ. |
36 | come on | Come on! You're already late. | 急いで! 遅れてるよ。 |
37 | go to | They go to church on Sundays. | 彼らは日曜日に教会に行く。 |
38 | go on | Let's go on to the next question. | 次の質問に進もう。 |
39 | go with | You said I could go with you. | 君が一緒に行ってもいいって言ってたのに |
40 | go through | Go through the arch and follow the path. | アーチをくぐって道なりに進んで。 |
41 | go for | Would you like to go for a drink? | 飲みに行きませんか? |
42 | go in | It cost us nothing to go in. | 入場は無料です。 |
43 | go get | Let me go get it. | ちょっと取りに行ってくる。 |
44 | go ahead | You go ahead and I'll follow on. | ついていくから先に行って。 |
45 | go out (with) | Did she go out with him? | 彼女は彼と付き合ってたの? |
46 | go away | Go away and leave me alone! | あっち行って、ほっといて! |
47 | go back | I can't wait to go back to work. | 仕事に復帰するのが楽しみだ。 |
第2弾はput/break/ask/look/make/fall の6種類の動詞を使った熟語(句動詞)をご紹介。
熟語 | 英語 | 日本語 | |
1 | put out | Will you put out the candles? | ろうそくを消してくれませんか。 |
2 | put down | Put down your address. | 住所を書いて。 |
3 | put on | Wait a moment. I will put on my coat. | ちょっと待ってください。コートを着ます。 |
4 | put off | Don't put off till tomorrow what you can do today. | 今日できることを明日まで延ばすな。 |
5 | put in | I put the air conditioner in the living room. | 居間にエアコンを設置した |
6 | put back | We can’t put back the clock. | 時計を戻すことはできない。 |
7 | put away | Put away breakable objects. | 壊れやすいものを片付けて。 |
8 | break up | The kid broke the vase up into pieces | 子供が花瓶を割ってしまった。 |
9 | break down | My car broke down this morning. | 今朝、車が壊れました。 |
10 | break out | A fire broke out last night. | 昨晩、火事があった。 |
11 | break in | Ken always break in to any conversation. | ケンはいつもどんな会話でも割り込んでくる。 |
12 | break off | Mary broke her engagement to Dave off. | メアリーはデーブとの婚約を破棄した。 |
13 | break into | The burglar broke into the house yesterday. | 昨日、泥棒が入った。 |
14 | break even | The project will break even next year. | 来年、プロジェクトは収支がトントンになる。 |
15 | ask about | I asked about his job. | 彼の仕事を尋ねた |
16 | ask for | They had to ask for some help. | 彼らは援助を求めなければならなかった。 |
17 | ask of | He asked advice of you. | 彼はあなたにアドバイスを頼んだ。 |
18 | ask out | Why don't you ask her out? | 彼女を誘ってみたら? |
19 | ask to | He asked me to lend him my car. | 彼は私に車を貸すように頼んだ。 |
20 | look in | I wanted some milk so I looked in the fridge. | ミルクがほしかったので、冷蔵庫を覗いた。 |
21 | look at | Look up at the sky | 空を見上げて |
22 | look for | Are you looking for someone? | あなたは誰かをお探しですか。 |
23 | look like | She looks just like her mother. | 彼女は本当に母親に似ている。 |
24 | look up | I looked up the word in the dictionary. | 辞書でその単語を調べた。 |
25 | look after | Please look after her. | 彼女の面倒を見てあげてください。 |
26 | look forward to | I'm looking forward to seeing you again. | またお会いできるのを楽しみにしています。 |
27 | make for | Fruit makes for your health. | フルーツは体にいい。 |
28 | make sure | Make sure to turn off the light. | 電気を消し忘れないように。 |
29 | make up | They must make up for lost time. | 出遅れを取り戻さなければならない。 |
30 | make fun of | Don't make fun of me. | からかわないで。 |
31 | make sense | Wait, that doesn't make any sense. | 待って、それは全く筋が通ってないよ。 |
32 | make at | Her dog suddenly made at a man at the riverside. | 川辺で犬が突然男に襲いかかった。 |
33 | fall apart | After his wife died, he began to fall apart. | 奥さんが亡くなってから、彼は精神的にやられてしまった。 |
34 | fall out | Her baby teeth are starting to fall out. | 赤ちゃんの乳歯が抜け始めた |
35 | fall behind | He didn't want to fall behind in his studies. | 彼は勉強で遅れをとりたくなかった。 |
36 | fall for | I fell for you. | あなたを好きになった。 |
37 | fall in | I think I fall in love with you. | あなたと恋に落ちそう。 |
38 | fall back | Price will never fall back. | 価格が下がることはない。 |
ネイティブが日常で使う英語フレーズ 例文集まとめ